Project carried out as UX designer duties in Coders Crew.
Goal of the project
To create a platform for the Mali Wspaniali and digitize all program processes,
enabling more efficient flow of information between parent, instructor and administrator.
Interim goals:
Facilitating Parents access to their children data.
Make it easier for preschoolers and instructors to deliver classes and manage data,
Create an admin panel to facilitate the manage kindergartens, schedules.
Functional requirements:
Sending e-mails to a specific group of recipients
Display of test results
Entering children’s data and signing consents in the system, not physically
Instructor Class Schedule – View and Edit
Access to the electronic log
Panels / Views:
- Parent Panel, where you can log in, fill in the details of the child / ward,
sign consents, view the details of the child / ward. - Admin / Organization panel, where the admin can view the e-mail databases
of instructors, institutions, parents, view the schedule of classes, view the results
of fitness tests, view data from the journal.
My responsibility
Desk Research
Protopersonas preparation
Understanding CJM – before and after
Design studio – Workshops with UX, UI, Dev teams
Wireframes consultancy
Usability tests preparation – scenario of tests only
My responsibility was to prepare one of 4 personas. Taking my knowledge about
kindergartens and based my work personal experience as a person who conduct
lessons with childrens, and also as a preschooler parent I’ve prepared protopersona
of kindergarten director.
Customer Journey Map
Once again based on conwersations with parents about problems with additional
lessons in preschools I’ve created Customer Journey Map. I’ll be delighted to verify
my assumption with existing product.
When go further with project I remarked that designed solution is created more
for administrators comfort instead of parents.
Design Studio workshops
I planned and conducted workshops for UX team, Project Manager, developers, Product Owner, future users.
The results of this workshop was:
- sketches of majority number of views in app
- understanding on how app should work
- draft of user flow
- knowledge of what problems this solution resolve
- project team integration